When You Live… What’s the Point?
…what is the purpose of life…?
When you live… what’s the point?
Is it to find success or for everyone to look up to you? Is it for them to see, ‘how Christian’ and ‘righteous’ you are…? Or how successful you are? Or is it to enjoy life and get what you dream about – like that dream job, the happy nuclear family, great finances and lots of friends that think you’re pretty cool…?
God has created us with the one purpose of having fellowship with us – that in our relationships with Him we would be willing to sacrifice EVERYTHING for him…. But we must sacrifice from a willing heart because we love Him.
God’s way of thinking is completely opposite ours: If we sacrifice our money for Him, He blesses it to make it more than sufficient – even if you are really poor. If, instead, you cling to the last penny you have, you can be sure it won’t be enough.
If you relax in your job AND use it in honor of God (not for the sake of your own success), he blesses it manifold and opens new doors to you, but if you cling to what you have and forget God in the process, or maybe beg God in your fear that he would let you keep your job, etc., then your focus is wrong, and you lose the blessings you might have found in the job.
If you cling in your own strength to you family as it is, it will go haywire,, but if you let God shape it according to His heart, the unity and cohesiveness of the family will increase.
God’s word is clear: If you hold onto what you have, you will lose it. If you say to God…. Lord, what you have given me is just borrowed – I will give it back to you…. And then let go of it and let God shape it, even though it may not be what you want – then He blesses it.
Remember… It is NOT about what YOU want or don’t want. It is about FAITH and TRUST in God to follow God’s will… And if you live a life with God, and you check your gut, you know what God’s will is – then you know what Jesus would have done, if He were you…. So, listen to the Holy Spirit, give Jesus EVERYTHING – even when you may not want to, but maybe know deep inside, what is right… and trust in Him, because you CAN’T do it on your own.
Remember that in and of yourself, you are nothing, but in Him you are EVERYTHING. And if you want to be and remain in him, then give Him EVERYTHING… Especially where it hurts and when you really don’t want to, because then He turns it into a blessing….!!!
Andreas Slot-Henriksen
August 2016