Miracles on the streets in Vejle
…praying together with Tove.
I want to share a few little experiences from yesterday. I was on the street with Tove, who is almost 60 years old. It was a really great experience.
First, we met two girls who were chatting and enjoying life…. It turned out that one of the girls had a crooked back and often suffered with pain. When we held out her legs, you could see a 1.5 cm difference in the length of legs due to the crookedness in her back/hip.
….But then I did something I’ve never done before. I asked her friend to hold her legs, so they would both be sure that we were not pulling on her shoe or anything like that. With her friend holding her legs, I laid hands on the girl’s lower back and prayed. It was too funny…. The girl I was praying for asked her friend, “why are you pulling my leg”, while the friend excitedly tried to explain that she wasn’t pulling, and why couldn’t she sit still, because the leg was jerking. Voila…. Equal in length… and who very perplexed girls and an amazing opportunity to share the gospel and give them a Bible.
A little later, we came across a young kid of about 20 years of age, who was eating his lunch. He had no ailments we could pray for, but he told us how, back in the day, not being a Christian, he attended Mariager Boarding School (under the Pentecostal Church). He did think the music etc. was great there, but he had never had a supernatural experience with God, and therefore did not believe in Him either. We shared the gospel and were given permission to bless him and pray for him to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. He said that we were welcome to pray for him, but that he probably wasn’t open to sensing God. Fortunately, God is just so much bigger, so of course he was touched by the Holy Spirit.… We gave him a Bible, and he promised to go home, place his hand on his heart, and say, “Jesus, if you are God’s son, if you love me and if you are truly the only way to salvation, then come and show me now…”
– It definitely wasn’t a coincidence that we met him!
We also happened to stop a couple where neither of them had any ailments…. And I am not sure how it happened, but suddenly I found myself telling them the incident from the Bible, where a woman with a crooked back is healed after 18 years, and a spirit of disease leaves her. As I said, a crooked back would typically be caused by osteoporosis, collapsed vertebrae, or something like Scheuermann’s disease…. Definitely not a spirit…. Which it turned out to be after all.
– Well…. That resulted in one of them telling me that he actually did have Scheuermann’s disease, and he asked if we would pray for him. When Tove prayed for him, he felt almost a tingling sensation inside… And then relief. He felt how everything moved into place, and how there was simply more air between the vertebrae. Wow!!!
Remember! Jesus is our true hero. He came to earth to love people and to give us a second chance for fellowship with God.
Jesus took ALL disease, suffering, and death on the cross BACK THEN.
Jesus! Thank you for using all who come to you with the desire to go out for you…..
Here, you can see some videos from our many visits to the streets!
Andreas Slot-Henriksen
August 19, 2015